Saturday, April 30, 2016

Jasper John's Fish

For this lesson, we learned about Jasper John and his artworks and methods. We were given a fish that we had to cut out and then we had to paint that fish but we could not use a paint brush; instead we were given four objects to use instead of a paint brush and those objects were: an apple, a carrot, celery, and a spoon. We had to use two techniques, painting and stamping. We had to paint the head, tail, and fins with the objects. For the body we had to create scales by stamping with the objects. We had to use multiple colors and at least three of the four objects on our fish. This was a fun activity that students would enjoy because they are painting without a paint brush.

An extension activity that could be done with this project is another art project. You could have students create a background for their fish while using the stamping and painting method but this time using objects that students come up with in class. They could create an ocean, a fish tank, a river, a pond or wherever they want their fish to live for their background while still using objects to paint and/or stamp.

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