Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I taught this lesson along with a partner. For this lesson, we taught the students about how printmaking works and also patterns. We gave each student a Styrofoam sheet to use for their project, they had to cut the Styrofoam in half because there was two parts of this lesson. To help students learn better, we went step by step with the students over the printmaking process. The students were told to create a pattern using a pencil on one half of there Styrofoam sheet. After they have their pattern created and imprinted onto the Styrofoam, they took a roller with paint and converted the pattern onto the construction paper by printmaking. They had to create a color pattern on their construction paper with the printmaking pattern. Then we had them brainstorm three symbols, logos, or designs that had meaning to them and create them on their second Styrofoam half. Then they need to take their paint roller and print their symbols, logos, and designs onto the construction paper.

An extension activity that could be done with this is having the students write three paragraphs about the meaning behind their symbols, designs, or logos. This would be a cool introductory activity because students could learn about each other from this.

This is our bulletin board we created for our lesson. We titled it, "Printmaking About Us" because
 they created symbols, logos, or designs about them. Then we hung all the students projects up on the bulletin board and tried spreading it out as best as we could. By displaying students work, it motivates them to do their best and allows for them to feel good about their work and boost their self-esteem because their work is on display for anyone to see.

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